5 Creative Lettering IDEAS To Try in September 2021
Feeling stuck? Maybe like me, you find yourself in a creative rut from time to time, perhaps you are in one right now.
Then it’s time to try out something new. Why? Because experimenting with new tools, shapes and forms can get you back into the flow of creating.
That’s why I have personally handpicked 5 juicy lettering concepts for you to give a try this month!
There are no expectations.
Just give ONE of these creative lettering ideas a try and if you don’t like it, no harm done, move on.
Let’s start.
1 - Letter shapes out of organic flower petals
“B” by Seth Mach
There is something magical about organic forms such as plants and petals. Turning rigid and boring shapes into a form where petals can thrive is awesome. Try it out. It’s easy.
Just draw the outline of the letters lightly and start filling them out with petals growing on the root.
There is no one right way. Find yours.
Don’t be afraid of breaking the shape here and there, otherwise, it might look too rigid.
2 - Drawing with different liquids
Who told you could only letter with drawing utensils such as pencil, brushpen or ink?
There are endless possibilities to give a try.
Here are just a few ideas: Ketchup, Toothpaste, Chocolate, Honey, Instant coffee, Icing, Caramel…
This might get messy, but experiment with the best suitable container/tube and temperature to best use that said liquid.
3 - Redrawing an old piece
Want to see how much you’ve improved since you started?
There’s no better way than to dig up an old lettering piece and redraw it how you would to do it today.
While your lettering may have improved, make sure to check the spelling (unlike me).
4 - Retro Signs
This is the Sign by Aurelie Maron
Even though I’ve never played in a Casino or really care too as I’m not much of a gambler, watching Oceans Eleven makes me miss Las Vegas. And nothing says Las Vegas better than their bright shiny signs.
Of course, you don’t have to go there to create one. You can draw it yourself. You also don’t need to use procreate to do it, drawing one with colored pencils is just as fun.
When designing your own, always think of the physicality of the sign, like how are the signs attached to the board.
Start sketching shapes and add your words to them later. And you can create a neon effect with pencils by drawing in a light color with soft edges and a hard white line (chalk pens work great)
If you want, Aurelie Maron has created an awesome procreate bundle with everything from teaching you how to do it, to brushes, grids and shapes as well as gradients! It’s awesome.
5 - Fauxsaics
Atlanta & San Diego by Nick Misani
While being very labour intensive and tedious to create a fauxsaic, the final piece is worth every drop of sweat you put into it.
On the drawing process alone, I’ve spent more than 8+ hours, coloring in everything as well as making it look realistic takes additional time.
You can of course start with a small piece like a letter first before going for a full word.
Simple lettering works best and don’t go for perfection, that’s the beauty of mosaics.
If you haven’t left already to start creating, what are you waiting for?
Pick one. If you can’t just start with the first one. But START!
PS: Which one stood out to you most? Let me know in the comments and if you want to see me create a Tutorial about any of these.